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Aspire Service is a 100% managed service providing easier and instant communication to all the stakeholders, be it Circulars, Holiday notice, Website, Gallery, Homework Fees Remainders etc. We operate 24/7 to ensure continues flow of information, also manage and process your content enabling meaningful Education Communication, data management, analysis and showcase is the key components in any educational institution. Campus One Aspire services bring various components like managing your website, communicate to stakeholders round the clock. Tools like SMS Service, Android Push, Dynamic Website, Secured Login and Biometric are used to keep your stakeholders connected
Sending Circulars, Emergency information by SMS to stakeholders as per Campus instruction, Collecting data of events, news, happenings and updating the same on website,Reducing repetitive workload of Staff by using relevant software like question paper creator, game based software for learning and delivering and more..., Maintain / manage student data, result and attendance information, Empower / Provide Training, Tools and Resources to Staff for effective delivery and Management
Campus Aspire Services which are customized for 100% Managed Service also Self Managed when required.
SMS / Notification for -Daily Attendance, Circulars, Holiays, PTA Meetings,
Birthday Wishes, Class cancellation, Tour Update, Urgent Notification
Right from Attendance to every aspect of students growth and report can be access from the parents module, This parents module can be accessed thorugh Smart Phone, MObile Browser, Computers and Tabs without any problem. An TRAI approved Transanction SMS is also send for those who dont have Smart Phones or Internet at home.
Homework, Daily Attendance, Class work, Holidays, Documents, Feedback, Grades, Gallery, Video, Library, Question bank, Fees, Bus Tracking, Feedback, Tutorials, Projects and STEM ideas are the few of the features available in the parents module.
Campus Aspire Services can be Managed or partially managed as per the requirement and time constraints. Adding New Students, Managing staff, Holidays, Sending ciculars, Marking daily attendance, Preparing Students Grades, Managing the library and stock, sendinf notification and update news and photos,video right from the Teachers / admin Panel.
Be it Attendance, Communication, Result, Campus Management, LMS, Smart class, Time Table, Robotics in Classroom, content creation, PPT, Result Preparation or any other Open Source migration or technology challenges , we are here to develop and customize your requirement. Not only develop, we believe in support and managing the solution.
We believe in providing in assistance and training to teachers and other stake holders. in the advent of new technologies, Teachers and other stakeholders face change and adapting challanges. We at campusone have created custom modules to train the stake holders on technology, Innovations happening around us and latest trends. These modules can be provided in offline or online.
Campus Aspire
100% Managed Service
Aspire - Managed Service
Campus Management System
SMS, Circulars, Result Preparation, Time Table Preparation, Website Update,Daily Attendance, Fees Collection, Admission, Notificaton, Library, Stores, Documents
Aspire Features
Managed Campus Management System
Academic Services for -Upload Documents, Home work, Class work, LMS, STEM Projects, Open Source Content, Results, Question Bank, Online Admission, Gallery, Video and News
Administrative Services -Fees Reminders / Collection, Library, Fees, Results, Inventory, Reception, Feedbacck, Student Management
Website Services -Create / Manage Website, Unlimited Content Update, Activities, Achievements, Results, Template Update, Social Networking, Blogging, SEO, Gallery, Video and many more
Result Preparation - Data Entry, Create / Manage Results, Provide Analysis, Print / PDF Result sheet, Online Publish for Parents view.
Attendance - Free Biometric Device for Staff Attendance. Instant Daily Absent message to students from Mobile Application.
Identity Card - optional premium service for customised identity card for students and staff.
Extra - Payment Gateway, Q/A, Email for staff, Reports, 24 / 7 Support, Open Source tools, No limit on customization
Aspire Campus Service = Mobile SMS + Notification + Website + Biometric + Result Preparation + Mobile Application + Identity Card
One Window Access for Parents
Staff / Admin View
Technology in your Campus